How to end Russian attack on Ukraine

Putin could end it, as quickly as he started it, by giving the order.

World democracies have been tripping over themselves trying to convince Putin to do just that.  Clearly, stopping the invasion would be the right thing to do.

However, if Putin has shown us anything over the last two decades, it’s this:  he doesn’t care.  

He doesn’t care about doing the right thing, killing innocent men, women, children and babies, destroying entire cultures and nations, or committing unimaginable war crimes.  He doesn’t care about any of that. 

Putin cares only about one thing… POWER.

If he cannot control Ukraine for power, he will destroy it… for power.  Having failed to obtain Ukraine’s surrender, he will destroy it, making Ukraine, and every other nation, fear Putin and his power to destroy.

How do you negotiate with Putin?  You can’t.  He won’t.  At least he won’t until he’s finished destroying Ukraine.  Then, he will agree to cease fire and withdraw… mission accomplished for Putin.  

And, we should be happy with that?  I don’t think so.

The quickest, best, and maybe the only, way to end the war is for Ukraine and its allies to immediately stop trying to negotiate with Putin or his representatives.  Instead, tell Russia what we are going to do:  

We going to continue to help Ukraine defend itself and maintain economic sanctions against Russia, unless and until Russia does both of the following (words and promises don’t count):

  • Cease hostilities and withdraw from all of Ukraine, and
  • Surrender Putin and his wealth to Ukraine, to be held accountable for his war crimes.

You need the second condition to make the first meaningful.

Putin will never agree, of course.  But, that’s OK because we are not negotiating with Putin, remember?  We tell the Russian military, oligarchs, businesses and people, what we will do.  Now, they decide what they will do.

Sen. Graham said, “The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out.”  He should not say that.  It’s wrong for any US government official to say that.  

Instead, we say clearly and consistently that we’re not going to stop defending Ukraine and imposing sanctions until Putin is turned over.  Putin is not going to turn himself over.  Russians will figure out what they need to do.  They will know, Putin’s gotta go.  Don’t take him out; turn him over.

As long as Ukraine and its allies continue to talk with Putin or his representatives, they help Putin stay in power. As long as Putin remains in power, the Russian people will fear retaliation from him, and they will fear opposing him. 

By telling the Russian people what we are going to do, we give them an off-ramp… an exit strategy.  Turn him over. Be rid of Putin and his war.  The Russian people want peace.  This is Putin’s war, not theirs.


MD Brown is a lawyer active in the faith, business and political community

3 thoughts on “How to end Russian attack on Ukraine”

  1. How brilliant that a website in America, about Putin’s invasion in Ukraine, can have an impact in Russia! I affirm the article and the comments.

    I would add, that Putin, and also Russia, should be held accountable. Sanctions against Russia must be maintained until: 1) Putin is brought before international courts of law empowered to bring war criminals to justice, and 2) Russia makes reparation to Ukraine for the unjustified devastation on this peaceful country and people.

    Imagine if my home state of Oregon were invaded by California with its large National Guard military forces, destroying the beautiful cities of southern, eastern, and central Oregon, and shelling Portland, Salem, and Eugene in the Willamette Valley in a brutal effort to dominate or destroy our state?

    Fanciful perhaps, but illustrative of how Ukraine must feel.

    This is a battle for democracies and freedoms world wide. Military aggression anywhere. by an autocracy attacking a freedom-loving democracy, is a threat to freedom and democracy everywhere.

    Putin must be stopped and Russia must pay for the devastating aggression of their military against Ukraine.

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