The Lie, The Broken Promise, The Fig Leaf, and The Truth

The Lie
Trump said Mexico would pay for a big, beautiful wall along the Mexican border that he would build, if elected. It was his biggest campaign promise, falsely repeated over and over and over.

The Broken Promise
Trump sought to pay for the Trump wall with US taxpayer funds.

The Fig Leaf
Trump shut down the US government to pressure Congress into funding the Trump wall to cover up the lie and broken promise

Opponents of the Trump Wall may focus on the lies within the presentation, and there were many. My point is the entire presentation was a lie, and here’s the proof.

Every reason Trump cited for the Trump Shut Down existed at the end of 2018. Instead of threatening a shut down, Trump agreed to a proposal that that did NOT include funding for the Trump Wall, which passed the Republican controlled House and the Republican controlled Senate, with bi-partisan support.

Then, as members of congress were leaving town for Christmas break, Trump backed out of the deal. Only one thing changed between the time Trump agreed to the deal and the time Trump backed out. It had nothing to do with anything Trump cited and everything to do with something Trump never mentioned: conservative commentators, important to Trump’s political support, criticized Trump’s willingness to sign the proposal without funding for the Trump Wall.

The Truth
The only reason for the Trump Shut Down is Trump Politics.


MD Brown is a lawyer active in the faith, business and political community

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